Tools & API documentation sbgFirmwareUpdater Current: 5.0.166-rc PDF Download PDF Download page 5.0.166-rc. Current page All pages 5.0.166-rc 12 Feb 2025 The sbgFirmwareUpdater 5.x represents a major release, introducing support for ELLIPSE firmware v3 with built-in ublox GNSS receiver firmware update.This new update also introduces application localization in English, French, Japanese, Korean and Chinese.Included FirmwareThis version includes firmware for the following products:ELLIPSE v3 firmware version 3.0.3924-rcELLIPSE v1/v2/v3 firmware version 2.7.29-stablePULSE-40 firmware version 1.3.407-stableDownload & InstallationYou can download below the sbgFirmwareUpdater setup package for Windows and Linux platforms. Download for Windows Download for Linux Release 5.0.166-rcNew FeatureSBGFMWUPD-76 - Included latest ELLIPSE firmware v2.7.29-stableRelease 5.0.160-rcNew FeatureSBGFMWUPD-75 - Included latest ELLIPSE firmware v3.0.3924-rcImprovementsSBGFMWUPD-71 - Improve serial port hot-plug refresh strategy before updateSBGFMWUPD-72 - Added firmware 2.6.132-stable for ELLIPSE hardware 3SBGFMWUPD-73 - Improved how fmw/fmz files are defined and managed to offer a unified fmz file that supports all hardwareBug Fixes SBGFMWUPD-74 - Fixed a bug where infinite error messages where reported to the user if the device is disconnectedRelease 5.0.114-rcNew FeaturesSBGFMWUPD-57 - Allow baudrates up to 2 MBit/s for all serial interfacesSBGFMWUPD-66 - Added a skip button during device detection scanning process from firmwareSBGFMWUPD-67 - Detect and warn the user if the connection with the device is lostSBGFMWUPD-68 - Add support for two steps firmware update procedure for ELLIPSESBGFMWUPD-70 - Included latest ELLIPSE firmware v3.0.3866-rcImprovementsSBGFMWUPD-55 - Support localization for French, Japanese, Chinese, KoreanSBGFMWUPD-59 - Linux: Provide a Debian packageSBGFMWUPD-60 - Improved general look and feelSBGFMWUPD-54 - Allow closing of the Firmware updater with the "top right corner cross"Bug FixesSBGFMWUPD-56 - Fix a crash to desktop when the serial port couldn't be opened (already in use)SBGFMWUPD-63 - Fixed auto serial port com selection issues ×