We are pleased to announce the release of the firmware 3.x series which brings many new features and improvements to the Ellipse product line. We hope that this milestone version will soon navigate onboard your SBG Systems devices!

At its core, firmware 3.x features a comprehensive overhaul of critical low-level components, including significant advancements in sensor fusion algorithms. These improvements ensure greater system stability, enhanced reliability, and superior overall performance.

This robust foundation will allow for faster development of innovative features, tailored to meet both your current needs, and your future requests.

Firmware Compatibility

This firmware is compatible and intended to work with the following applications and libraries versions:

  • sbgCenter 5.0 and above
  • sbgECom 5.1 and above
  • Inertial SDK 10.0 and above

ELLIPSE Compatibility

This firmware is ONLY compatible with ELLIPSE hardware revision 3.x and above. For older ELLIPSE, please use the latest 2.7.29-stable firmware.

Firmware Download

As part of SBG Systems’ commitment to providing lifetime free updates, the firmware 3.x is now available for download and installation on your Ellipse (Hardware v3 Boxed and OEM) devices.

You can download below the sbgFirmwareUpdater setup package for Windows and Linux platforms. The sbgFirmwareUpdater tool is bundled with the ELLIPSE firmware to ease the update procedure.

You can also download the firmware with a CLI tool as a ZIP archive.

Download for Windows Download for Linux Download Firmware Archive

Migrating from V2.x to V3.0

Please refer to the dedicated migration guide for a step-by-step walkthrough to help you upgrade from v2 to v3.

Important highlights

Enhanced navigation and heave

Our sensor fusion algorithms have been updated to more modern and advanced versions. The new algorithms focus on providing reliable, robust and stable orientation, position and velocity.

The main features of this latest generation algorithm are:

  • Overall improved accuracy and resilience: the new algorithms are overall more precise, less susceptible to environment changes, more robust to various internal and external conditions. This makes the Attitude and Position outputs much more reliable on the Firmware.
  • New AHRS algorithm: provides an accurate orientation even in dynamic conditions when the Ellipse is used in AHRS mode (without GNSS)
  • New magnetometer aiding implementation: includes estimation of magnetic heading misalignment in INS mode and offers enhanced immunity to magnetic disturbances
  • Coexistence between magnetometers and GNSS: automatic fallback to magnetometer aiding source when GNSS is not available (requires calibrated magnetometer) 
  • Latest generation heave filter: improved heave filter, more robust to rough sea conditions. Also calculated at the center of rotation of the vessel for more precise heave solution
  • Standard deviation calculation: the algorithm has been reviewed to better reflect the actual error. As a result, the value may be higher in this version. This higher values doesn't imply that precision has decreased, but is a better representation of the real error.

While these changes improve substantially the performance, the robustness and the reliability of the Ellipse in all conditions compared to the previous Firmware version, the changes are major and you should requalify the firmware to your specific setup.

Dive into technical details

For more details, please refer to our dedicated test report  highlighting the algorithm's improvements.

Additional Notes

Improved Clock Accuracy

The events in time-stamping or sync out accuracy has been improved by an order of magnitude. This improvement also covers clock drift during GNSS outages which will be reduced to 1 ppm.


This firmware introduces the ability to configure and interface with the Ellipse using a RESTful API, as an alternative to sbgCenter. This powerful API allows you to easily configure the device, execute specific actions, and retrieve its status.

For more details on the SBG REST API (sbgInsRestApi), please refer to the configuration REST API documentation.

Settings format

Previously, Ellipse configuration were stored and exported in a binary format that was not human-readable and needed to be imported to another Ellipse to be understood. You can now export your Ellipse settings in JSON format, which makes them easy to read and modify without having to load them into a unit.

Aiding rejection on the fly

With this firmware, we have introduced a feature called "actions". These actions enable you to modify specific behaviors of the Ellipse without resetting the navigation filter or rebooting the unit. They are explicit commands to use in order to stop using a specific aiding source in the sensor fusion algorithm while maintaining data output continuity.

Use case of actions

It is important to note that these actions are not settings and cannot be saved as part of the Ellipse configuration ; they are only applicable during the current power cycle of the unit and will be lost upon reboot.

They are perfectly suited for temporary rejections of an aiding sensor when you know it should not be used: for example a system using magnetomer and starting next to a large metal mass (a marine vessel, a catapult...) can reject the magnetometer on startup and activate it afterwards to avoid improper heading initialization.

This functionality is available through REST API (sbgInsRestApi) and applies to all available aiding : GNSS position, GNSS heading, magnetometers, odometer and DVL.

Below is an example of the command you can send to the Ellipse to stop using the GNSS position in the filter:

sbgEComApi.exe -s COM6 -r 921600 /api/v1/gnss1/rejections/position -p -b \"never\"

The device answer is :

{"title":"request successful"}

This means that the action is effective without the need to reboot the device.

In previous firmwares, you could use sbgECom commands to achieve similar results, but with one key difference: if you saved the settings after making changes, the rejection settings would be stored in memory and persist even after a reboot. Rest assured, these commands are still available in firmware v3.0.

However, we recommend switching to the new "actions" feature, as it allows you to perform rejections without any risk. Changes are applied only during the current power cycle and automatically reset after a reboot, ensuring your initial settings remain unaffected.

Custom output monitoring point

Previously, all messages could only be output at the IMU location or the vehicle’s center of rotation CoR. Now, starting from firmware version v3.0, you can select a custom output point. Through sbgCenter or the REST API, you can configure the lever arm and define a specific location for data output based on your requirements.

Due to CPU contraints, the output location setting applies to all Ellipse COM ports. For example, it’s not possible to output data at the IMU location on port-A and at a custom point on port-E. 

Manual magnetic declination

When using magnetometers, knowing the magnetic declination is essential to convert magnetic heading to geographic heading. And for that, we have introduced now the option to enter manually the local magnetic field from your own reference in addition to the previously available option which relies on the embeded World Magnetic Model (WMM).

New aiding support

Three new external aiding options were introduced to the firmware version v3.0:

  • New DVL format: supports the native Nortek DVL protocol (DF21 and DF22 frames).
  • New heading source: supports dual antenna heading solution from an external u-blox receiver.
  • External magnetometer: in sbgECom format.
  • Airdata: in sbgECom format.

Higher output data rate

The IMU and INS data can now be output at a frequency of up t 1kHz. This includes all our sensor fusion algorithm outputs: position, velocity, ship motion, etc.

Higher serial baud rate

The serial COM baud rate can now configurable up to 2Mbps.

PointPerfect compatibility

The Ellipse is now compatible with PointPerfect GNSS correction service.

PointPerfect is a centimeter-level (3-6cm) GNSS correction service with fast convergence and a large coverage. Its integration within the Ellipse makes it ideal for navigation applications such as robotics, agriculture, and autonomous systems.

Jamming & spoofing flags

The firmware v3 enhances the capacity of the Ellipse to detect and mitigate jamming and spoofing events. The Ellipse will automatically reject GNSS signal and use its dead reckoning capabilities.

Furthermore, a new flag is raised (part of SBG_ECOM_LOG_GPS1_SAT) when a jamming or spoofing event is detected. This allows integrators to react to such events (for example, for application very susceptible to jamming / spoofing attacks the integrator could choose to use the new rejection mechanisms to reject the GNSS more aggressively than the Ellipse does automatically).

New outputs

Many new outputs have been added and also changes to already existing outputs in this firmware update. The table below lists them.

OutputChange description


New output for the device identification and settings information


The data output rate has increased. Previously, it was limited to new data at 200 Hz. Now, you can output at a chosen frequency up to 1 kHz
SBG_ECOM_LOG_EKF_EULER/QUAT/NAVThe three messages output rate has increased. Previously, it was limited to 200 Hz. Now, you can output at a chosen frequency up to 1 kHz


New output for Earth rate and gravity free accelerations and rotation rates in body frame


New output for Earth rate and gravity free accelerations and rotation rates in NED frame


Introduces new fields for magnetic inclination, magnetic declination and magnetic heading
SBG_ECOM_LOG_EKF_QUATIntroduces new fields for magnetic inclination, magnetic declination and magnetic heading


Introduces a new field with a flag indicating which calibration was used (2D or 3D)


Introduces new fields for the number of satellites tracked and the number of satellites used for heading resolution


New output containing satellite information data, along with flags for jamming and spoofing


Now allows you to choose to output NMEA messages based on either the INS solution or GNSS solution only
SBG_ECOM_LOG_DIAGNew output to return error, warning, info and debug messages

New motion profiles

Four new motion profiles have been added to the Ellipse, expanding its capability to handle a wider range of applications:

  • Off-road vehicle: for ground vehicles that may experience some slipping
  • Railway: for trains, trams, and other rail applications with relaxed lateral velocity constraint
  • Truck: for trucks and vehicles with non-steering axles, with some side slip during turns
  • Underwater: for all types of ROVs, AUVs and divers

GNSS firmware Updates

The firmware of the GNSS receiver has been upgraded to the latest versions allowing to benefit from various improvement from our satellites navigation hardware partners. 

Release 3.0.3949-stable

New Features

  • ELFW-126 - Add spoofing, jamming and additional SV information outputs
  • ELFW-138 - Add a new sbgECom output log with advanced internal INS filter debug data
  • ELFW-166 - Add support to change rejection modes in real time
  • ELFW-167 - Magnetometer: Add a new option to use a manual magnetic declination
  • ELFW-168 - Output: Add magnetic declination/inclination in EKF Euler/Quat logs
  • ELFW-169 - Add support for Nortek DVL
  • ELFW-173 - User can relocate measurements at an output monitoring point
  • ELFW-188 - Add REST API access to the on-board magnetic calibration
  • ELFW-284 - Add support for new Sync Out and Output logs period values
  • ELFW-319 - Allow baudrates up to 2 MBit/s for all serial interfaces
  • ELFW-343 - Returns the CPU usage in the SBG_ECOM_LOG_STATUS message
  • ELFW-349 - Ublox: Add support for external ublox dual antenna true heading solution with NAV2
  • ELFW-375 - Add num tracked/used SV for secondary antenna (HDT) output
  • ELFW-398 - Add support for CAN odometer model 'canProp00'
  • ELFW-423 - Add SBG_ECOM_SOL_ZARU_USED used in solution bitmask
  • ELFW-438 - Update ublox GNSS firmware to version 1.51 with improved RTK reliability
  • ELFW-443 - Enable up to 1kHz output for all synchronous messages (EKF, ShipMotion, etc)


  • ELFW-96 - Added a "Railway" motion profile for train applications
  • ELFW-115 - Disable DVL module during settings migration following ENU to NED change
  • ELFW-118 - AirData: Add support for internal or external air data aiding
  • ELFW-161 - Magnetometer: Correctly handle large magnetic declination change following first GNSS fix
  • ELFW-178 - Magnetometer: Support Magnetic heading as a backup solution for dual antenna heading
  • ELFW-211 - Reduced smart status reporting time out from 2s to 1s
  • ELFW-335 - Check INS configuration for valid aiding combinations (no DVL for automotive for instance)
  • ELFW-336 - Improved CAN bus implementation and error handling
  • ELFW-348 - Updated to latest on-board magnetic calibration with improved performance
  • ELFW-392 - Settings: Add a new option to reboot following the save for api/v1/settings/save 
  • ELFW-412 - shipMotion: Generate heave data at 1000Hz and align timestamps with EKF to ease output parsing
  • ELFW-445 - Increase default value for SBG_ECOM_SOL_HEADING_VALID to 2.0 degrees
  • ELFW-461 - Update the World Magnetic Model to WMM2025

Bug Fixes

  • ELFW-337 - Fix CAN bus extended ID value that was limited to 0x3FFFF

  • ELFW-397 - Removed un-implemented CAN odometer enum values such as canCitroenC3Picasso

  • ELFW-460 - Fix CAN magnetometer messages output only support onChange trigger while it should be periodic

Removed Feature

  • ELFW-145 - Magnetometer: Remove robust magnetic model (not relevant anymore)