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Download page 2.0.570-stable.
SBG Systems is proud to introduce this new major firmware upgrade 2.0 for EKINOX and APOGEE Inertial Navigation Systems products.
The 2.0 series is a complete rewrite of key components and algorithms including the Extended Kalman Filter and Heave algorithms.
These new algorithms bring a lot of new features and performance improvements especially in difficult environments.
A brand new and groundbreaking automatic GNSS lever arms and Dual Antenna alignment estimation tool has been added directly from the embedded web interface.
The firmware update also focuses on reliability with a lot of bug fixes and stability improvements.
Import highlights from this release
- Add support for latest EKINOX hardware revision 3 with new GNSS receiver
- Completely redesigned Extended Kalman Filter with improved accuracy in multipath environments
- Brand new and groundbreaking automatic GNSS lever ams and alignment estimation tool
- Enhanced Inertial Navigation Solution robustness and repeatability
- Reduced initial alignment time drastically with now 100% success rate
- Completely new heave algorithms that drastically reduces out of phase waves measurements
- Refined GUI and behavior for a better user experience
- Lot of bug fixes and improvements
Upgrade Procedure
The upgrade process is easy, safe and straightforward however, please read carefully the following recommendations before applying the upgrade:
- The Ekinox and Apogee need the NMEA GST frame to use an external NMEA GNSS receiver. Please make sure the GGA, RMC, GST, HDT messages are sent at 5Hz and the ZDA at 1Hz. You can refer to the NMEA Integration Operating Handbook for more information.
- Trimble GNSS binary protocol is now fully supported by the Ekinox and Apogee. Please update your GNSS and INS configuration to use the GSOF Trimble binary protocol. You can refer to the Trimble Integration Operating Handbook.
- Your device settings should be automatically migrated however, please review them before using the unit for production
All changes for release 2.0.570-stable
Bug Fixes
- [EKIFW-1369] - Fix sync out issue with duplicated pulse for firmware 2.0.x
All changes for release 2.0.563-stable
Bug Fixes
- [EKIFW-1325] - Fix GNSS license upload for Septentrio based products
All changes for release 2.0.543-stable
New Feature
- [EKIFW-1287] - Add support for latest Ekinox/Apogee IMU firmware
Bug Fixes
- [EKIFW-1277] - GGA quality indicator always stuck at 4
- [EKIFW-1288] - Fix invalid position and velocity standard deviation reporting at startup
All changes for release 2.0.522-stable
New Feature
- [EKIFW-1191] – Add support for new EKINOX hardware rev 3 with updated GNSS receiver
All changes for release 2.0.399-stable
- [EKIFW-1187] - Changed update url from http to https for increased security and fixed redirect rules issues
Bug Fixes
- [EKIFW-1186] - Fix support for Ekinox2 O1 variant
All changes for release 2.0.394-stable
- [EKIFW-1158] - Improved WGS48 to NED transformation precision, resulting in better performance
- [EKIFW-1160] - Improved NMEA HDT message time stamping
- [EKIFW-1161] - Added System status log to Hypack Output preset
Bug Fixes
- [EKIFW-1162] - Fixed PASHR output log availability for EKINOX-A products
All changes for release 2.0.366-stable
- [EKIFW-297] - Add support for all GNSS signals and constellations in the web interface
- [EKIFW-1086] - Improved UTC time management using rounding at 1 us
- [EKIFW-1090] - Improve GNSS rejection and use in harsh conditions such as bridges
- [EKIFW-1102] - Added ship motion swell mode status reporting in web interface and sbgECom log outputs
- [EKIFW-1123] - Improved internal time stamping system for better resilience to erroneous input data
- [EKIFW-1125] - Improved IMU reference measurement point handling to avoid injecting noise in measurements
- [EKIFW-1152] - Improved enhanced altitude mode operation in case of good RTK availability
- [EKIFW-1157] - Updated documentations to latest revisions
Bug Fixes
- [EKIFW-1076] - Fix Invalid GNSS input NMEA messages time stamping
- [EKIFW-1097] - Fixed a bug in heave computation that lead to reduce performance in difficult GNSS conditions
- [EKIFW-1108] - Fix product crash in rare circumstances due to UART driver issue
- [EKIFW-1112] - Web: GNSS constellations options are not correctly reported for Septentrio receivers
- [EKIFW-1117] - Time: Only use GNSS data if a valid PPS signal has been received
- [EKIFW-1119] - Fix GNSS protocol parsing that could hang if work buffer is filled with trash
- [EKIFW-1127] - Fix output monitoring point value edition issues in web interface 3D view
- [EKIFW-1136] - Fix invalid SV parsing for Trimble GSOF binary format
- [EKIFW-1141] - Fix reversed input PPS polarity setting for internal GNSS receiver
- [EKIFW-1145] - Fix Center of Rotation lever arm that is affecting delayed heave output and not real time
- [EKIFW-1155] - Fix incorrect real time GNSS position type and status conversion
All changes for release 2.0.297-stable
- [EKIFW-990] - Improved auto calibration behavior when two GNSS are used
- [EKIFW-1003] - Updated technical reference manual to version 1.3
Bug Fixes
- [EKIFW-962] - Fix invalid 3D view lever arm and orientation display for DVL
- [EKIFW-985] - Fixed invalid DVL alignment setup that wasn't correctly applied
- [EKIFW-986] - Fixed DVL rejection configuration that wasn't correctly applied
- [EKIFW-987] - Impossible to Store & Use calibration performed when only GPS2 is used
- [EKIFW-989] - Fixed GNSS True Heading rejection settings that was constantly changing when displaying the panel
- [EKIFW-991] - Fixed DVL yaw alignment miss-configuration issues and improved performance
- [EKIFW-996] - Web: Fixed wrong GNSS lever arms help message
- [EKIFW-1002] - Fixed a synchronization error in TCP/IP stack when using UDP
All changes for release 2.0.276-stable
New Feature
- [EKIFW-924] - Added DOLOG HRP message
- [EKIFW-768] - Add user configurable quality indicators threshold
- [EKIFW-729] - Integrate new sbgEkf library with improved performance
- [EKIFW-728] - Integrate new sbgShipMotion library with huge performance improvements
- [EKIFW-933] - Improved web interface log output layout
- [EKIFW-881] - Updated built in leap second value to 18s
- [EKIFW-791] - Change in the web interface the GNSS dual antenna configuration
- [EKIFW-788] - Remove validity condition for PASHR heave output
- [EKIFW-784] - For APOGEE-N/D, embedded GNSS receiver firmware has been updated to revision 4.2.2
- [EKIFW-191] - Add an automatic mechanical parameters calibration module
- [EKIFW-190] - sbgEkf: Add Accelerometer & Gyros gain estimation for enhanced accuracy
- [EKIFW-951] - Fixed a bug in Ethernet TCP/IP Client interfaces that could lead to crashes
- [EKIFW-932] - Fix a bug for EKINOX2 in gyroscopes scale factor / linearity compensation model leading to reduced performance
- [EKIFW-827] - Web Interface: Fix popup message layout when rebooting device
- [EKIFW-819] - Fixed incorrect text area rendering for Firefox web browser
- [EKIFW-783] - Fix an issue making GNSS license uploading impossible for some APOGEE-N/D
- [EKIFW-680] - Fix Web Interface Information tab crash with Internet Explorer
Removed feature
- [EKIFW-771] - Removed the GNSS velocity rejection settings from web interface and settings
- [EKIFW-564] - Removed magnetometer support for Ekinox