Please find below the list of all sbgECom logs that are decoded and used by Qinertia.

statusProvides general status about the device during the acquisition
diagUsed to monitor all error, warning and info messages produced by the INS during acquisition
utcUTC time that is mandatory to correctly time stamp all messages to an absolute UTC/GNSS time
imuShortAsynchronous high speed IMU data that are precisely time stamped to GNSS time
ekfEulerReal time INS Roll, Pitch and Yaw solution only used for display
ekfQuatReal time INS attitude quaternion solution only used for display
ekfNavReal time INS velocity and position solution only used for display
gnss1VelGNSS real time velocity solution that can be used for INS reprocessing and loosely coupling
gnss1PosGNSS real time position solution that can be used for INS reprocessing and loosely coupling
gnss1HdtGNSS real time dual antenna heading solution that can be used for all INS processing
gnss1RawGNSS raw observable that is mandatory to process GNSS data tightly coupled INS
gnss2VelGNSS real time velocity solution that can be used for INS reprocessing and loosely coupling
gnss2PosGNSS real time position solution that can be used for INS reprocessing and loosely coupling
gnss2HdtGNSS real time dual antenna heading solution that can be used for all INS processing
gnss2RawGNSS raw observable that is mandatory to process GNSS data tightly coupled INS
odoVelOdometer velocity that can be used for all INS processing
eventInAEvent In A time tags that can be used to export data on a precise time event
eventInBEvent In B time tags that can be used to export data on a precise time event
eventInCEvent In C time tags that can be used to export data on a precise time event
eventInDEvent In D time tags that can be used to export data on a precise time event
eventInEEvent In E time tags that can be used to export data on a precise time event