Native support for DJI MRK files to ease photogrammetry workflowDJI UAV such as the Phantom 4 RTK are able to store both RAW GNSS data as well as a specific MRK file. The MRK file stores for each picture the exact time when the picture has been taken as well as a North, East and Down offset between the GNSS antenna phase center (APC) to the camera CMOS sensor.
This offset has to be correctly applied to relocate an PPK solution computed at the antenna to the camera CMOS sensor. This is mandatory to enable accurate photogrammetry direct georeferencing projects. This offset only makes sense for GNSS only projects as for INS solutions, the lever arm is typically expressed in the INS body frame and relocated using the INS orientation;
Qinertia is able to read directly this MRK file either when you create a dedicated DJI project or from the photogrammetry module. Qinertia can create from it a event / picture match with the APC to CMOS offset. The offset is then automatically applied when pictures are updated with precise post processed positions by the dedicated picture exporter.
Please read the Photogrammetry section to get more information.