
Qinertia CLI output at the end of the processing, a JSON report that contains information, status and quality indicators. This JSON report is both returned through the pipe to the calling process and can also be output if configured in the Report Block.

The JSON report details all files that have been imported, the settings used for the processing, some quality indicators, the status of each operation and so on. It also includes, for example, estimated GNSS lever arms values and computed base station PPP results according to the JSON Process file configuration.

Qinertia CLI can also output PDF and HTML versions of this JSON report if you would like a ready to use document. However, with the JSON file, you can create your own report file to get customized reports.

JSON Schema

Please find below the processing report JSON Schema that list the main sections. If you need more information about the report format, please contact SBG Systems team.

versionstring(error)The version of the processing file and should be set to "1.0"
summaryobject(error)General project information such as the first/last observation time
systemobject(tick)General system and compute information such as hardware details and operating system.

List all files that have been imported as well as quality control indicators such as gaps, coverage etc.

If any error during data import and conversion is reported in this part.

deviceSettingsobject(tick)INS settings used by Qinertia to do the processing. INS settings are, for example, the GNSS lever arms, the IMU sensor orientation, etc.

Only reported when the processing option mechanicalEstimationPass is set to true.

If set to true, Qinertia first processes the log to estimate mechanical installation parameters such as lever arms.

Then a second processing is automatically executed to post process the final solution using the estimated mechanical parameters.

This node shares the same schema as the processing node below.


Returns general information on the processing itsefl such as the processing mode, reports on the rover and base station data.

It also details which GNSS base stations have been used if applicable.

You can also find in this section base stations  PPP computations results if you asked for it as well as estimated mechanical installation parameters (lever arms).

ionoobject(tick)Returns the ionospheric activity that might affect GNSS/INS accuracy during the mission.
qualityobject(error)Overall quality indicators such as orientation estimated accuracy, separation between forward/backward or solution type pie chart.
photogrammetryobject(tick)Summary about picture/events match for photogrammetry image geotagging.

List all configured export jobs with associated status. It also provide the list of files that have been output.

Any error reported during the export process is reported in this section.


Please find below a typical INS tightly coupled post processing JSON report example output. The processing mode is insSingle and the user has provided a RINEX GNSS base station file.

    "dataImport": {
        "coverage": {
            "hdt": {
                "begin": "2016-10-04T23:15:09Z",
                "coverageRatio": 0.9497998952865601,
                "dataInterval": 0.2,
                "end": "2016-10-05T01:30:06Z",
                "gaps": {
                    "status": "valid"
                "numEpoch": 38822
            "imu": {
                "begin": "2016-10-04T23:15:09Z",
                "coverageRatio": 0.9997546672821045,
                "dataInterval": 0.005,
                "end": "2016-10-05T01:31:21Z",
                "gaps": {
                    "report": [
                        "401 samples have invalid/saturated sensor data"
                    "status": "warning"
                "numEpoch": 1634439
            "pvt": {
                "begin": "2016-10-04T23:15:09Z",
                "coverageRatio": 0.9999960660934448,
                "dataInterval": 0.2,
                "end": "2016-10-05T01:31:21Z",
                "gaps": {
                    "status": "valid"
                "numEpoch": 40862
            "rawGnss": {
                "begin": "2016-10-04T23:15:09Z",
                "coverageRatio": 0.991282045841217,
                "dataInterval": 1,
                "end": "2016-10-05T01:30:10Z",
                "gaps": {
                    "status": "valid"
                "numEpoch": 8102
    "deviceSettings": {
        "gnss": {
            "enabled": true,
            "raw": {
                "antenna": {
                    "height": 0,
                    "leverArm": [
                    "reference": "arp",
                    "type": ""
                "mode": "single",
                "modelId": "septentrio",
                "preciseSetup": false
            "trajectory": {
                "antenna": {
                    "height": 0,
                    "leverArm": [
                    "reference": "arp",
                    "type": ""
                "mode": "single",
                "modelId": "unknown",
                "preciseSetup": false
            "trueHeading": {
                "antenna": {
                    "height": 0,
                    "leverArm": [
                    "reference": "arp",
                    "secondaryLeverArm": [
                    "type": ""
                "mode": "dual_auto",
                "modelId": "unknown",
                "preciseSetup": false
        "imu": {
            "alignment": {
                "alreadyApplied": false,
                "fine": [
                "rough": [
            "id": "apogee_ae_v1",
            "leverArm": [
            "monitoringPoints": [],
            "referencePoint": "cover_target"
    "export": {
        "jobs": [
                "dataset": "merged",
                "files": [
                    "E:/SBG-Systems/code/applications/sbgPP/code/tests/cliTests/data/hsd2016/test_data/export/sbet-output (1).out",
                    "E:/SBG-Systems/code/applications/sbgPP/code/tests/cliTests/data/hsd2016/test_data/export/sbet-output (1)-info.txt",
                    "E:/SBG-Systems/code/applications/sbgPP/code/tests/cliTests/data/hsd2016/test_data/export/sbet-output (1)-smrmsg.out"
                "plugin": "SBET Exporter",
                "profile": "SBET: 200Hz"
                "dataset": "forward",
                "files": [
                    "E:/SBG-Systems/code/applications/sbgPP/code/tests/cliTests/data/hsd2016/test_data/export/NMEA_export (1).nmea"
                "plugin": "Text Exporter",
                "profile": "ASCII: NMEA frames"
    "processing": {
        "bases": [
                "antenna": {
                    "height": 0,
                    "reference": "arp",
                    "type": "TRM59800.80     GSI"
                "baseline": 6.98297119140625,
                "constellations": [
                "data": [
                        "name": "E:/SBG-Systems/code/applications/sbgPP/code/tests/cliTests/data/hsd2016/test_data/base/30232770.16o",
                        "type": "userImport"
                        "name": "E:/SBG-Systems/code/applications/sbgPP/code/tests/cliTests/data/hsd2016/test_data/base/30232780.16o",
                        "type": "userImport"
                        "name": "E:/SBG-Systems/code/applications/sbgPP/code/tests/cliTests/data/hsd2016/test_data/base/30232790.16o",
                        "type": "userImport"
                "dataRate": 30,
                "identifier": "3023",
                "observationLength": 72,
                "positions": [
                        "datum": "unknown",
                        "height": 43.51013482362032,
                        "latitude": 35.67546364314769,
                        "longitude": 139.90235451837228,
                        "type": "published"
                        "datum": "WGS84",
                        "height": 43.527838094507366,
                        "latitude": 35.67546312321049,
                        "longitude": 139.90236137517567,
                        "type": "ppp"
                "ppp": {
                    "errors": {
                        "published": {
                            "horizontalError": 0.6234367998028442,
                            "status": "mismatch",
                            "verticalError": 0.01770374884897102
                    "observationLength": 71.99166666666666,
                    "quality": "excellent"
                "providers": [],
                "receiver": "trimble",
                "usedPosition": "ppp"
        "info": {
            "backwardDuration": 61.355,
            "duration": 96.812,
            "firstSample": "2016-10-04T23:15:10Z",
            "forwardDuration": 74.434,
            "lastSample": "2016-10-05T01:31:20Z",
            "mergeDuration": 9,
            "mode": "insSingle",
            "numPass": 1,
            "preprocessingDuration": 13.249,
            "startedAt": "2021-02-10T17:12:23"
        "mechanicalParametersEstimation": {
            "gnss": {
                "dualAntennaAlignment": {
                    "estimatedSecondaryLeverArm": [
                    "pitch": {
                        "accuracy": 0.028366287769061204,
                        "stability": 0.07169474122631826,
                        "status": "medium",
                        "value": -1.4249810086505756
                    "yaw": {
                        "accuracy": 0.012063573490730107,
                        "stability": 0.6042596082096356,
                        "status": "poor",
                        "value": 15.47157513756159
                "primaryLeverArm": {
                    "estimation": [
                    "x": {
                        "accuracy": 0.005093894267987336,
                        "stability": 0.014623279937671747,
                        "status": "medium",
                        "value": -0.19251842031143213
                    "y": {
                        "accuracy": 0.0047516639781377025,
                        "stability": 0.014149451573511143,
                        "status": "medium",
                        "value": 0.3264979855426755
                    "z": {
                        "accuracy": 0.00487233987987892,
                        "stability": 0.02620242149857875,
                        "status": "poor",
                        "value": -1.1378918741925366
        "reports": [
                "name": "Rover",
                "report": [
                    "Pre-processing status: Valid",
                    "SPP status: Valid",
                    "    Computed 8063 epochs over 8100 epochs",
                    "Cycle Slip Status: Valid",
                    "    Observations:       423175",
                    "    Cycle Slips:         2831",
                    "    Unknown Cycle Slips: 0",
                    "    Warning Cycle Slips: 2584",
                    "PVT Report per constellation:",
                    "    System    Status    Tracked #   Used #    ",
                    "    ------------------------------------------",
                    "    GPS       Valid     88419       88419     ",
                    "    GLONASS   Valid     74908       74908     ",
                    "    GALILEO   No Data   0           0         ",
                    "    BEIDOU    No Data   0           0         ",
                    "    IRNSS     No Data   0           0         ",
                    "    QZSS      Invalid   7902        0         ",
                    "              No Data   0           0         ",
                    "Noise Report computed on 6 values:",
                    "    System    Band    Channel   Status    Epochs #  Noise",
                    "    ----------------------------------------------------------------",
                    "    GLONASS   G1       C Code   Valid     7889      0.247181  ",
                    "    GLONASS   G2       C Code   Valid     7902      0.265726  ",
                    "    GPS       L1       C Code   Valid     7932      0.213562  ",
                    "    GPS       L2       Z Track  Valid     7922      0.387314  ",
                    "    GPS       L2       L        Valid     7927      0.255787  ",
                    "    GPS       L5       Q        Valid     7909      0.163830  ",
                    "Rover bands and channels used:",
                    "    System    Band     Ch Range  Ch Phase",
                    "    ---------------------------------------",
                    "    GPS       L1       C Code    C Code    ",
                    "              L2       Z Track   Z Track   ",
                    "              L5       Q         Q         ",
                    "    GLONASS   G1       C Code    C Code    ",
                    "              G2       C Code    C Code    ",
                    "    GALILEO   Unused",
                    "    BEIDOU    Unused"
                "status": "valid",
                "type": "rover"
                "name": "Base",
                "report": [
                    "Pre-processing status: Valid",
                    "SPP status: Valid",
                    "    Computed 8100 epochs over 8100 epochs",
                    "Cycle Slip Status: Valid",
                    "    Observations:       338813",
                    "    Cycle Slips:         23",
                    "    Unknown Cycle Slips: 0",
                    "    Warning Cycle Slips: 0",
                    "PVT Report per constellation:",
                    "    System    Status    Tracked #   Used #    ",
                    "    ------------------------------------------",
                    "    GPS       Valid     80507       80507     ",
                    "    GLONASS   Valid     69793       69793     ",
                    "    GALILEO   No Data   0           0         ",
                    "    BEIDOU    No Data   0           0         ",
                    "    IRNSS     No Data   0           0         ",
                    "    QZSS      No Data   0           0         ",
                    "              No Data   0           0         ",
                    "Noise Report computed on 5 values:",
                    "    System    Band    Channel   Status    Epochs #  Noise",
                    "    ----------------------------------------------------------------",
                    "    GPS       L1       C Code   Valid     8099      0.109177  ",
                    "    GPS       L2       Z Track  Valid     8099      0.157596  ",
                    "    GPS       L5       I+Q      Valid     8099      0.154103  ",
                    "    GLONASS   G1       C Code   Valid     8099      0.244660  ",
                    "    GLONASS   G2       P Code   Valid     8099      0.236428  ",
                    "Base bands and channels used:",
                    "    System    Band     Ch Range  Ch Phase",
                    "    ---------------------------------------",
                    "    GPS       L1       C Code    C Code    ",
                    "              L2       Z Track   Z Track   ",
                    "              L5       I+Q       I+Q       ",
                    "    GLONASS   G1       C Code    C Code    ",
                    "              G2       P Code    C Code    ",
                    "    GALILEO   Unused",
                    "    BEIDOU    Unused"
                "status": "valid",
                "type": "base"
        "resources": {
            "brdc": [
                    "name": "E:/SBG-Systems/code/applications/sbgPP/code/tests/cliTests/data/hsd2016/test_data/base/30232770.16g",
                    "type": "userImport"
                    "name": "E:/SBG-Systems/code/applications/sbgPP/code/tests/cliTests/data/hsd2016/test_data/base/30232770.16n",
                    "type": "userImport"
                    "name": "E:/SBG-Systems/code/applications/sbgPP/code/tests/cliTests/data/hsd2016/test_data/base/30232790.16n",
                    "type": "userImport"
                    "name": "E:/SBG-Systems/code/applications/sbgPP/code/tests/cliTests/data/hsd2016/test_data/rover/gnssRaw.sbf",
                    "type": "userImport"
                    "name": "",
                    "type": "online"
                    "name": "",
                    "type": "online"
            "clock": [
                    "name": "",
                    "type": "online"
                    "name": "",
                    "type": "online"
            "iono": [],
            "orbit": [
                    "name": "",
                    "type": "online"
                    "name": "",
                    "type": "online"
    "quality": {
        "attitude": {
            "accuracy": {
                "rollPitch": {
                    "avg": 0.007156145688670498,
                    "max": 0.024934174492955208,
                    "min": 0.00418647238984704,
                    "rms": 0.00755884081730922,
                    "std": 0.002434266498135024
                "yaw": {
                    "avg": 0.006894335830988938,
                    "max": 0.024063386023044586,
                    "min": 0.004250673111528158,
                    "rms": 0.007220234135250833,
                    "std": 0.002144741107309553
            "separation": {
                "rollPitch": {
                    "avg": 0.10371995713277199,
                    "max": 3.2906482219696045,
                    "min": -0.9662258625030518,
                    "rms": 0.28114460420892573,
                    "std": 0.26131295216305184
                "yaw": {
                    "avg": -0.08239646168402406,
                    "max": 1.5656968355178833,
                    "min": -1.4005440473556519,
                    "rms": 0.20694651655609292,
                    "std": 0.18983593921240097
        "position": {
            "accuracy": {
                "horizontal": {
                    "avg": 0.03882797716083031,
                    "max": 6.292166709899902,
                    "min": 0.008790988475084305,
                    "rms": 0.26960103701207244,
                    "std": 0.26679038091277374
                "vertical": {
                    "avg": 0.034768330365815066,
                    "max": 5.869943618774414,
                    "min": 0.008054983802139759,
                    "rms": 0.24732976145179913,
                    "std": 0.24487379219381034
            "separation": {
                "horizontal": {
                    "avg": 3.263411195754549,
                    "max": 1059.9326640260297,
                    "min": -152.2465508970334,
                    "rms": 49.73082755462023,
                    "std": 49.62363707584117
                "vertical": {
                    "avg": -2.3372918881533287,
                    "max": 162.9084917670035,
                    "min": -524.1006798665146,
                    "rms": 31.770278618378104,
                    "std": 31.68418643612213
        "solutionTypes": {
            "ppkFixed": 0.9497421383857727,
            "ppkFloat": 0.013919885270297527,
            "pureInertial": 0.036337960511446
        "velocity": {
            "accuracy": {
                "horizontal": {
                    "avg": 0.007355607276927838,
                    "max": 0.2009168565273285,
                    "min": 0.005250263959169388,
                    "rms": 0.012472284479962358,
                    "std": 0.010072384113838994
                "vertical": {
                    "avg": 0.00728790604624691,
                    "max": 0.19311167299747467,
                    "min": 0.005258247256278992,
                    "rms": 0.011884263176654773,
                    "std": 0.009387339171089448
            "separation": {
                "horizontal": {
                    "avg": 0.07990986030278303,
                    "max": 28.297473907470703,
                    "min": -4.942298412322998,
                    "rms": 1.6180476689566625,
                    "std": 1.6160732264481332
                "vertical": {
                    "avg": -0.12089644752857241,
                    "max": 5.8844828605651855,
                    "min": -16.34811782836914,
                    "rms": 1.314345983436142,
                    "std": 1.3087740114892603
    "summary": {
        "location": {
            "country": "Japan",
            "place": "",
            "region": ""
        "missionDuration": "02:16:11",
        "missionEnd": "2016-10-05T01:31:04Z",
        "missionStart": "2016-10-04T23:14:53Z",
        "projectAuthor": "RĂ©mi Burtin",
        "projectDescription": "",
        "projectName": "HSD2016",
        "projectOrganization": ""