Qinertia offers a full support for Novatel GNSS and SPAN INS binary files. Novatel binary files are directly parsed by Qinertia and you can use them to compute GNSS only and INS solutions. Qinertia will also accept directly Novatel binary files for GNSS base stations so you don't have to bother converting data to RINEX for instance.

The following measurements and information are parsed from Novatel binary files:

  • RAW GNSS data
  • Ephemeris GNSS data
  • Read time dual antenna heading solution
  • Real time INS solution (euler and navigation)
  • IMU sensor data & status
  • Event markers
  • Device Configuration such as lever arms

ENU Frame

Novatel SPAN is using an ENU (East, North, Up) reference frame while Qinertia a NED (North, East, Down). Qinertia will thus do this conversion during the import process automatically. However, please setup correctly lever arms as the convention is not the same.

Supported messages

RANGESatellite range information
RANGECMPCompressed version of the RANGE log
RANGECMP2Compressed version of the RANGE log
GPSEPHEMDecoded GPS L1 C/A ephemerides
QZSSEPHEMERISDecoded QZSS parameters
BDSEPHEMERISDecoded BeiDou ephemeris
GALFNAVEPHEMERISDecoded Galileo FNAV Ephemeris
GALINAVEPHEMERISDecoded Galileo INAV Ephemeris
IONUTCIonospheric and UTC data
RAWIMUSIMU Data Legacy (Short Header)
RAWIMUSXIMU Data Extended (Short Header)
RAWIMUXIMU Data Extended
HEADINGHeading information with multiple rovers (legacy)
HEADING2Heading information with multiple rovers
INSPVAXInertial PVA – Extended
INSCONFIGDetermine required settings for post-processing or system analysis
MARK1PVAPosition, Velocity and Attitude at Mark Input Event 1
MARK2PVAPosition, Velocity and Attitude at Mark Input Event 2
MARK3PVAPosition, Velocity and Attitude at Mark Input Event 3
MARK4PVAPosition, Velocity and Attitude at Mark Input Event 4
TAGGEDMARK1PVAPosition, Velocity and Attitude at a Tagged Mark Request 1
TAGGEDMARK2PVAPosition, Velocity and Attitude at a Tagged Mark Request 2
TAGGEDMARK3PVAPosition, Velocity and Attitude at a Tagged Mark Request 3
TAGGEDMARK4PVAPosition, Velocity and Attitude at a Tagged Mark Request 4