Qinertia supports SBG Systems IMU as well as several third party IMU manufacturers. The software comes with a large list of IMU models that should cover most usages from low end MEMS based IMU to very high end FOG or RLG navigation grade Inertial Measurement Unit.

Each IMU model has a unique identifier string such as ekinoxISubseaV3 that can be used in Command Line Interface (CLI) files or JSON processing files.

Qinertia doesn't offer an IMU model editor as it's a quite complicated task to correctly tune an IMU model. If you don't find your exact IMU model, you can still pickup an IMU that has similar performance.

If you think Qinertia is missing an important IMU model, please contact SBG Systems support@sbg-systems.com team.

SBG Systems INSLink to SBG Systems INS

All SBG Systems INS feature high performance MEMS IMU except for the NAVSIGHT Horizon that is a FOG Inertial Measurement Unit. All SBG Systems IMU output body acceleration and rotation rates at 200 Hz to offer smooth INS solution with optimal accuracy.


The first generation ELLIPSE series is a miniature and affordable MEMS based Inertial Navigation System.

It features low noise gyroscopes that enables machine control stabilization and real time navigation.


The second generation ELLIPSE series is a miniature and affordable MEMS based Inertial Navigation System.

Thanks to very low noise gyroscopes and ultra stable accelerometeres, the ELLIPSE is perfectly fitted for machine control and stabilization and entry level UAV survey.


The third generation ELLIPSE series features an improved MEMS IMU combined with a game changer RTK GNSS receiver. The ELLIPSE-N and D opens new markets where the size, weight, power consumption and price is a key factor while offering high performance and robust RTK solution.

Thanks to very low noise gyroscopes, ultra stable accelerometeres and L1/L2 RTK receiver the ELLIPSE is perfectly fitted for machine control and stabilization and entry level UAV survey.


The EKINOX is an ITAR free MEMS based Inertial Measurement Unit able to provide better than 0.05 roll/pitch accuracy.

The surface housing is IP68 and is perfectly fitted for airborne, ground and between deck marine applications.


The EKINOX is an ITAR free MEMS based Inertial Measurement Unit able to provide better than 0.05 roll/pitch accuracy.

The surface housing is IP68 and is perfectly fitted for airborne, ground and between deck marine applications.


The EKINOX is an ITAR free MEMS based Inertial Measurement Unit able to provide better than 0.05 roll/pitch accuracy.

The surface housing is IP68 and is perfectly fitted for airborne, ground and between deck marine applications.


The EKINOX is an ITAR free MEMS based Inertial Measurement Unit able to provide better than 0.05 roll/pitch accuracy.

The surface housing is IP68 and is perfectly fitted for airborne, ground and between deck marine applications.


The EKINOX2 is an ITAR free MEMS based Inertial Measurement Unit able to provide better than 0.02 roll/pitch accuracy.

The surface housing is IP68 and is perfectly fitted for airborne, ground and between deck marine applications.


The EKINOX2 is an ITAR free MEMS based Inertial Measurement Unit able to provide better than 0.02 roll/pitch accuracy.

The surface housing is IP68 and is perfectly fitted for airborne, ground and between deck marine applications.


The EKINOX subsea is an ITAR free MEMS based Inertial Measurement Unit able to provide better than 0.02 roll/pitch accuracy.

The subsea housing is rated to 200 meters and is ideally suited to be pole mounted for multi-beam survey applications.


The EKINOX subsea is an ITAR free MEMS based Inertial Measurement Unit able to provide better than 0.02 roll/pitch accuracy.

The subsea housing is rated to 6000 meters and is ideally suited for underwater applications.


The APOGEE is a high performance and ITAR free MEMS based Inertial Measurement Unit able to provide better than 0.008 roll/pitch accuracy.

The surface housing is IP68 and is perfectly fitted for airborne, ground and between deck marine applications.


The APOGEE is a high performance and ITAR free MEMS based Inertial Measurement Unit able to provide better than 0.008 roll/pitch accuracy.

The surface housing is IP68 and is perfectly fitted for airborne, ground and between deck marine applications.


The APOGEE is a high performance and ITAR free MEMS based Inertial Measurement Unit able to provide better than 0.008 roll/pitch accuracy.

The subsea housing is rated to 200 meters and is ideally suited to be pole mounted for multi-beam survey applications.


The EKINOX-I v1 is an ITAR free MEMS based Inertial Measurement Unit able to provide better than 0.02 roll/pitch accuracy.

The surface housing is IP68 and is perfectly fitted for airborne, ground and between deck marine applications.


The EKINOX-I v1 is an ITAR free MEMS based Inertial Measurement Unit able to provide better than 0.02 roll/pitch accuracy.

The subsea housing is rated to 200 meters and is ideally suited to be pole mounted for multi-beam survey applications.


The PULSE40 is an ITAR free MEMS based Inertial Measurement Unit able to provide better than 0.01 roll/pitch accuracy.

This is the OEM version of EKINOX-I v2 and is perfect for tight system level integrations.


The APOGEE-I is a high performance and ITAR free MEMS based Inertial Measurement Unit able to provide better than 0.008 roll/pitch accuracy.

The surface housing is IP68 and is perfectly fitted for airborne, ground and between deck marine applications.


The APOGEE-I is a high performance and ITAR free MEMS based Inertial Measurement Unit able to provide better than 0.008 roll/pitch accuracy.

The subsea housing is rated to 200 meters and is ideally suited to be pole mounted for multi-beam survey applications.


The APOGEE-I is a high performance and ITAR free MEMS based Inertial Measurement Unit able to provide better than 0.008 roll/pitch accuracy.

This OEM version is perfect for tight system level integrations.


The HORIZON is an ITAR free FOG based Inertial Measurement Unit that offers ultimate navigation performance for the most demanding applications.

Thanks to closed loop accelerometers and FOG gyroscopes, HORIZON can maintain centimetric level accuracy even during GNSS outages and is perfect for single antenna applications such as aerial mapping.



Quanta is an ITAR free MEMS based Inertial Measurement Unit able to provide better than 0.02 roll/pitch accuracy.

This all in one package very small and lightweight OEM INS system is perfectly fitted for UAV survey applications.


Quanta Extra is a high performance and ITAR free MEMS based Inertial Measurement Unit able to provide better than 0.008 roll/pitch accuracy.

Quanta Extra brings ultra high performance survey INS in a very small and lightweight package.


Quanta Micro is a very high performance and yet miniature MEMS based Inertial Navigation System (INS). It is ideally suited for high precision survey jobs with a post processed roll/pitch accuracy better then 0.015° and a single antenna true heading accuracy of 0.035°.
The small and lightweight OEM package is ideal for UAV Lidar payloads or for tight mobile mapping and backpack OEM integrations.

Third Party IMULink to Third Party IMU

Qinertia supports several third party IMU ranging from low cost MEMS based IMU to very high end FOG and RLG navigation grade IMU. The MEMS and FOG/RLG IMUs have been split into two tables as the gyroscope bias is not expressed and measured using the same way. It thus doesn't make sens to compare side by side the gyroscope bias instability (used for MEMS gyroscopes) to a bias stability (used for high performance FOG/RLG units).

All the IMU have a nominal output frequency so Qinertia can easily warn a user if the data rate is lower than the expected frequency. However, Qinertia can process INS solutions at any rate starting from 100 Hz and you can safely select and IMU with a 200 Hz output frequency even if your data are only at 100 Hz.


Data Rate
posImu17V1POS100 HzN/AMEMS IMU class 0.03° accuracy.
posImu21V1POS200 HzN/AHigh end RLG IMU class 0.005° accuracy.


POS200 HzN/AFOG IMU class 0.02° accuracy.


POS100 HzN/A

MEMS IMU class 0.03° accuracy.

posImu42V1POS200 HzN/A

MEMS IMU class 0.03° accuracy.

posImu45V1POS200 HzN/AFOG IMU class 0.02° accuracy.


POS200 HzN/AHigh end FOG IMU class 0.005° accuracy.
posImu59V1POS200 HzN/ALow end MEMS IMU class 0.05° accuracy.


POS200 HzN/AMEMS IMU class 0.03° accuracy.


POS200 HzN/AFOG IMU class 0.02° accuracy.


POS200 HzN/ALow cost MEMS IMU class 0.05° accuracy.
posImu70V1POS200 HzN/ALow cost MEMS IMU class 0.05° accuracy.
posImu71V1POS200 HzN/AMEMS IMU class 0.02° accuracy.
posImu79V1POS200 HzN/ALow cost MEMS IMU class 0.05° accuracy.
posImu82V1POS200 HzN/AMEMS IMU class 0.02° accuracy.
posImu89V1POS200 HzN/AFOG IMU class 0.02° accuracy.
posImu90V1POS200 HzN/AMEMS IMU class 0.02° accuracy.
posImu93V1POS200 HzN/AMEMS IMU class 0.02° accuracy.


Data Rate


Analog Device200 Hz6.5°/hLow end OEM MEMS IMU


Septentrio200 Hz7°/h

GNSS/INS solution using an ELLIPSE Micro IMU. Compatible with AsteRx-i3 Pro/AsteRx-i S/AsteRx-i S UAS/AsteRx SBi

asterxI3DV1Septentrio200 Hz2.7°/h

GNSS/INS solutions using an ADIS16505-2 IMU. Compatible with AsteRx SBi3 Pro/AsteRx-i3 D Pro/AsteRx-i D UAS


Epson200 Hz3.5°/hMiniature MEMS based IMU


Epson125 Hz3.5°/hMiniature MEMS based IMU


Epson200 Hz0.8°/hMiniature MEMS based IMU


Honeywell100 Hz1°/hMiniature MEMS based IMU with quartz accelerometers


Honeywell100 Hz2 °/hMiniature cost effective MEMS based IMU


Honeywell100 Hz0.4°/hHigh performance MEMS based IMU


Northrop Grumman200 Hz0.4°/hRugged high performance MEMS IMU


Novatel100 Hz0.4°/hSurvey grade MEMS IMU


Sensonor125 Hz0.5°/hRugged miniature MEMS IMU

Gyroscope Instability

MEMS gyroscopes performance is expressed as a bias instability and computed using an Allan Deviation method at constant temperature. It only reflects the gyroscope noise characteristic at constant temperature but has nothing to do with the bias in run stability itself.

Bias instability is a very limited metric to compare IMU performance. Thermal bias stability and in run bias stability are much more important parameters in real life applications.


Data Rate


Ixblue200 Hz0.01°/hHigh End closed loop FOG IMU with quartz accelerometers


Honeywell100 Hz1°/hTactical grade RLG IMU with quartz accelerometers


iMar Navigation200 Hz0.75°/hClosed loop FOG IMU with MEMS accelerometers


KVH200 Hz2°/hCost effective open loop FOG IMU with MEMS accelerometers


KVH100 Hz20°/hCost effective open loop FOG IMU with MEMS accelerometers


Northrop Grumman200 Hz1°/hMiniature closed loop FOG IMU with MEMS accelerometers


Northrop Grumman200 Hz0.05°/hHigh End closed loop FOG IMU with MEMS accelerometers

Gyroscope Stability

For FOG and RLG units the gyroscope performance is expressed as a composite bias stability that includes all effects such as warmup bias, long term repeatability as well as variation over temperature. It thus can't be compared to MEMS bias instabilities.