If you don't know the precise location of a base station, you can use Qinertia to compute it with a static PPP computation. We assume you have created you project and imported or downloaded the base station data.

  1. Start by opening the base station management panel by clicking the icon in the main tool bar.
  2. Select the base station you would like to survey it's position by clicking on it
  3. Click on the Control Base Station (PPP) button as shown in the screen
  4. Qinertia will download and then compute necessary data, wait until it's done
  5. When finished, Qinertia will let you know if the computed position matches the one published in the base station file or the one you have entered manually. In our case, we have a mismatch between the published position and the one computed by the static PPP computation.
  6. You can open the base station details to get more information on the compute static PPP position. Either double click on the base station list or use the More button.
  7. Qinertia has reported an horizontal error of about 3 cm between the published position and the one computed by the static PPP algorithm. If you would like, you can select the computed static PPP solution as the base station position to use for the processing by changing the Position type selection as shown in the screen.

PPP Accuracy

Precise Point Positioning (PPP) algorithms have a convergence time and need RAW GNSS observations for long period of time. SBG Systems, recommend you have at least 4 hours to perform a static PPP computation and best results are obtained after 12 hours of base station observations.