Data logging can be easily made with sbgDataLogger, available in the SDK package. You can create sessions andlog data with a selected separation interval using this tool.
For more information on this tool, please refer to our sbgDataLogger page.
Make sure you are using the most up-to-date version to take full advantage of the latest features and enhancements.
Configuring and connecting slots
To establish a new connection, you should simply click the "Configure New Slot" button. The below dialog will appear to configure the slot.
Below a brief description of each field:
Name (mandatory): This field represents the name of the log's folder and serves as an identifier for the generated files. For example, if the slot name is "test," the resulting file will be named as YYYYMMDD_HHh_test.000.
Type (mandatory): For Ellipse, you should select only the "SERIAL" type.
Port / BaudRate (mandatory): These settings should match the configuration in your Ellipse device.
Forward Corrections (optional): This field allows you to forward RTCM corrections to the Ellipse.
Log Input Stream (mandatory): Enabling this option is essential to save the data stream.
Description (optional): You can include a brief description of the slot for reference if desired.
You can select a separation interval and change the interface language.
You can confirm and save the settings by clicking the "OK" button. Once validated, a new slot panel will be added, as shown below.
The enumerated buttons provide the following functions:
Start/Stop Connection: Toggle this button to initiate the connection for the slot. When active, it turns green, signifying a successful connection.
Browse Logging Directory: If logging is enabled for this slot, use this button to navigate to the logging directory.
Edit Slot Configuration: Click here to access and modify the configuration settings for the slot.
Delete Slot: After completing data acquisition, you can use this button to remove the slot from the panel.
Make sure the logging is done continuously without interruption. you cannot process multiple files with gaps simultaneously.
Before starting the slot's connection, make sure the connection has been terminated within sbgCenter.
It's very convenient to have a valid UTC time-stamping. It requires UTC time output from GNSS.
Output format
The resulting file is a binary one that contains all the messages you have activated in the configuration of the product. The configuration file for Ellipse range is not available, unlike the log with sbgCenter tool.