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Download page 5.4.1017-stable.
This release brings several new features, improvements and bug fixes for the 5.x High Performance INS firmware.
This update is recommended to all EKINOX, APOGEE, NAVSIGHT and QUANTA users to get the best performance and experience.
Please read the page 5.1.149-stable to get all details about new features and improvements in the 5.x series.
You can download and install this new firmware release for free from the link below:
DVL Alignment Update
The DVL alignment setting is updated from a left-handled frame to a right-handled frame. The alignment parameter will automatically migrate during the firmware update. Verify settings before using the unit for production.
Upgrading from 4.0 and older
If you are upgrading from a firmware 4.0 or older, you should first install the failsafe firmware before you can install the correct firmware type package.
Please refer to the dedicated Update Procedure for a step by step guide.
Additional Notes
Firmware Type
Starting with firmware 4.2.x,a firmware type has been introduced. The firmware type let you know which firmware should be installed for your hardware. Please read the Update Procedure to get more details about firmware type and step-by-step instructions to update your device firmware.
Release 5.4.1017-stable
New Features
- EKIFW-2537 - PTP: Add PTP listen only monitoring mode and report time offset
- EKIFW-2513 - Add frame rotation in addition to lever arms for the 3 output monitoring points
- EKIFW-2546 - PTP: add priority1 and priority2 as configurable settings
- EKIFW-2114 - Only check for new firmware update for "setup" user role
- EKIFW-2493 - Output: Add magnetic declination/inclination in EKF Euler/Quat logs
- EKIFW-2526 - Added a new Default motion profile and use it as device default settings
- EKIFW-2535 - Add an optional heading offset on the NMEA HDT output
- EKIFW-2536 - Returns the CPU usage in the SBG_ECOM_LOG_STATUS message
- EKIFW-2538 - Add SBG_ECOM_LOG_PTP_STATUS message to report PTP time offset and status
- EKIFW-2539 - PTP: Add a new setting to configure the PTP operating mode
- EKIFW-2540 - PTP: Report advanced PTP status/metrics through the RestApi 'api/v1/network/ptp'
- EKIFW-2541 - PTP: Add time base selection and time offset settings
- EKIFW-2550 - Web: Add GNSS true heading/pitch values with standard deviation
- EKIFW-2587 - Add support for new Septentrio Pro+ and CLAS receivers variants
- EKIFW-2590 - Add external magnetometers aiding support
- EKIFW-2592 - Add support for external ublox GNSS receiver protocol
- EKIFW-2596 - Web: Add interference and spoofing information for secondary GNSS
- EKIFW-2630 - Add SBG_ECOM_SOL_ZARU_USED used in solution bitmask
- EKIFW-2634 - PTP: Add support for PTP over Ethernet (L2)
- EKIFW-2640 - Update ublox GNSS firmware to version 1.51 with improved RTK reliability
- EKIFW-2667 - Added 3D models for Train, Truck, UAV and Backpack
- EKIFW-1855 - Allow CAN bus settings changes without requiring a product reboot
- EKIFW-2626 - Reduce EKF status hold time from 3s to 1s
- EKIFW-1876 - PTP: Add the priority1 and priority2 PTP settings
- EKIFW-2521 - Improve UART error handling especially for baudrate mistmatch
- EKIFW-2522 - Improve CAN bus error handling
- EKIFW-2528 - Add a Power User role that can configure the unit but not update the firmware
- EKIFW-2529 - Always output the full device info JSON node
- EKIFW-2533 - Improved package instructions and tool to upload recovery failesafe firmware
- EKIFW-2554 - Allow aiding inputs on the same interface
- EKIFW-2555 - Add air data aiding module input
- EKIFW-2557 - Add settings streaming over sbgECom binary logs
- EKIFW-2558 - Update the post processing/support output preset to enable the session info log
- EKIFW-2561 - Improved the CAN bus silent mode to not affect physical layer (requires at least 2 active nodes to work)
- EKIFW-2565 - RestAPI: Renamed featuresList to features in api/v1/info schema
- EKIFW-2569 - RestAPI: Updated 'api/v1/gnss#' schema to use seconds for diffAge
- EKIFW-2576 - Update ublox configuration to reduce false RTK fixing
- EKIFW-2586 - Updated ShipMotion to only output valid data based on selected monitoring point
- EKIFW-2660 - Improved pulse odometer timestamping accuracy
- EKIFW-2679 - Updated World Magnetic Model to latest 2025 version
Bug Fixes
- EKIFW-2671 - Resolved an issue where the INS usedInSolution status was occasionally not updating correctly
- EKIFW-2570 - Can't import settings if the setup user has a password
- EKIFW-2388 - Fix CAN bus error handlings for Ekinox & Apogee
- EKIFW-2564 - Fix missing ZUPT/ZARUT status for airborne motion profiles
- EKIFW-2573 - Fixed internal ublox receiver initialization that randomly fails
- EKIFW-2574 - RestApi: Fixed typo in 'api/v1/gnss1' status reporting 'gnssUnkown' -> 'gnssUnknown'
- EKIFW-2580 - Fixed PPS and generator that might send duplicates or missing frames on the second top
- EKIFW-2581 - Web: Fixed inconsistent displays for pedestrian and uav motion profiles
- EKIFW-2583 - Fixed odometer real measurement flag
- EKIFW-2609 - Fix NTRIP reconnection on I/O error
- EKIFW-2465 - Fixed Center or Rotation location for car 3D model visualization
- EKIFW-2649 - Fixed internal Hide Trimble internal GNSS ip confiugration choice as it is not possible
Firmware 5.4.1005
A previous release (verison 5.4.1005-stable) has been published and removed as it contained incorrect API messages.
No change has been performed on any other aspect. If you tested the version 5.4.1005-stable, you can move to 5.4.1017-stable without any requalification.