The purpose of this document is to guide on how to configure RTK by sending RTCM corrections to an Ellipse using sbgDataLogger.

Step1: Configure NTRIP client

The right side of sbgDataLogger tool is dedicated to Differential Corrections.

To configure the NTRIP client, please follow the steps below:

  1. Press the button to open the configuration window.
  2. Select the interface type as NTRIP.
  3. Enter the host name and port.
  4. Press "Show streams" to display and select the mountpoint.
  5. Choose "Basic" if your NTRIP server requires an authentification. 
  6. Select the frequency and the source of the GGA information, if your NTRIP server requires it.
  7. Toggle it to log the RTCM corrections for post-processing if desired. 
  8. Press "OK".

Step 2: Configure the slot to receive corrections

To create a new slot, please follow the steps below:

  1. Click on "configure a new slot" and select the unit's baud rate and port.
  2. Make sure you toggle "Forward Corrections" to enable the RTCM corrections' input.
  3. Toggle "Log Input Stream" to log the data for post processing if needed.
  4. Press "OK".

For more information on how to create a new slot in sbgDataLogger, please refer to our sbgDataLoggerpage.

STEP 3: Send corrections to the Ellipse

Once all set up, you should turn on the toggles as shown below:

Note that the GNSS solution now is RTK_INT, which means that you achieve RTK positioning accuracy.