
Pulse-80 is a compact, 6 degrees of freedom (6DoF), high tactical grade Inertial measurement unit, designed for a wide range of applications.

Based on highly accurate gyrometers, and a redundant integration of Accelerometers, the Pulse-80 features FOG like performance in a compact and easy to integrate package.

Its key benefits are:

  • Very low bias instability (0.05°/hr) making it perfect for long dead reckoning applications with availability of a reference (such as GNSS) during several minutes
  • Low noise
  • A wide temperature range of operation (-40 to 85 °C), with full performance warranty, thanks to an extensive calibration procedure, compensating for Bias, scale factors, non-linearity, cross-axis and misalignment. (more details on this page Factory Calibration and Tests)
  • 2 years warranty
  • Advanced synchronization features

This makes the PULSE a perfect fit for applications that need high performance in a compact and flexible package, such as dead reckoning navigation or pointing.

Block diagram

The following block diagram gives an overview of functions running in real-time in the Pulse-80.

A set of three single axis gyroscopes and redundant accelerometers are sampled at a very high rate by the onboard microprocessor. The sensors measurement are controlled by a Continuous Built-in Test to ensure the quality of sensor measurement.

Advanced synchronization inputs and outputs features are handled by an internal clock and interrupt manager, and outputs can be generated at a very high rate of up to 2KHz on the UART interface.



Revision History




Initial publication