Preliminary documentation

The current documentation is preliminary and will be updated with the final release of the PULSE-80 with final information.

Pulse-80 specifications have been defined, validated and qualified over -40°C to +71°C and in all conditions (thermal, vibrations, shocks and lifetime). The performance parameters presented in this document express typical (1 σ), and 3 sigmas specifications.

Each Pulse-80 Inertial Measurement Unit is carefully calibrated over the whole temperature range using a high precision two axis motion simulator (see knowledge center). The IMU performance is then validated 24 hours after the calibration at several temperature points with a two axis rate table to ensure that no performance deviation is observed.

This rigorous manufacturing process guarantees consistent results over lifetime and in all environmental conditions. Advanced filtering techniques are also used to allow PULSE-80 sustains difficult vibrating environments.

The following specifications are applicable over the full temperature range -40 to 71°C and RH < 80% unless stated otherwise.

Accelerometers specifications

Preliminary specifications

These specifications are preliminary and will be updated with more accurate values ; and with additional parameters in the coming weeks.

Measurement range




15g is the default range

40g high range variant is export controlled

Scale Factor error300ppmOver ±1g, one year accelerated aging
Non-linearity (ppm of FS)25ppmOver ±1g, one year accelerated aging
Long-term bias repeatability


µgOne year accelerated aging
In-run bias instability6µgAllan Variance method, constant temperature
Velocity Random Walk0.02m/s/√hAllan Variance method, constant temperature
Noise spectral density40µg/√HzWide-band noise ]0 to 100] Hz
Cross-axis sensitivity0.01°Over temperature range
Vibration Rectification Coefficient (VRC)0.03mg/g²10g RMS - random vibrations 20Hz to 2kHz
Bandwidth480Hz-3dB point
Sampling rate4.0kHz

* Contact us for 40g version. This product is export controlled.

Gyroscopes specifications

Preliminary specifications

These specifications are preliminary and will be updated with more accurate values ; and with additional parameters in the coming weeks.

Measurement range




Standard version is 200°/s

High dynamic variant is 400°/s

Scale Factor error500ppmOne year accelerated aging
Non-linearity (ppm of FS)50ppmOne year accelerated aging
Long-term bias bias repeatability7°/hOne year accelerated aging
In-run bias instability0.05°/hAllan Variance method, constant temperature
Angular Random Walk0.012°/√hAllan Variance method, constant temperature
Bandwidth100Hz-3dB point