Concerning installation

What dampening system can I use to isolate vibrations?

The SBG Systems sensors are in most situations robust enough to vibrating environments that it is possible to install them directly without specific dampening.

In case of highly vibrating environments, you can still use rubber dampers such as the ones below. But depending on your setup, specific dampers might be required.


What are the recommendations for a dual antenna baseline?

We recommend a minimum of 2 meters, with 4 meters being ideal. Please refer to the hardware manual for accuracy information. 

How to use it ?

Why is my INS not computing a position when I have good GNSS reception?

To compute a valid position, the system needs first to initialize its heading.

The following article covers the SBG EKF modes of operation and the heading initialization requirements.

Most of the time this has something to do with the orientation or GNSS lever arms entered.

How to Recover the IP address from a High Performance product?

They are two ways to recover an IP address of a High Performance INS using tools provided in the inertial SDK: 

  •  Using the sbgCenter by listing devises connected on the network
  • Using the sbgNetworkDiag tool in order to find the IP address and also change it if needed.

The article IP recovery tool

Why is the SBG Systems GGA string longer than the current standard?

This is due to NMEA 0183 limitations. It was designed at a time when systems were not as accurate as today (for navigation mostly).

Many customers now need more accuracy which is why we added the digits on position (for survey for example but navigation too).

If we had to respect the limitations there would not be enough digits for the accuracy we can provide.

Configuring GNSS receivers

How to access the Trimble web interface on Navsight ?

By default, the receiver is set in DHCP mode and to access its web interface you should type http://bd982.local./ or http://bd992.local./ (depending on your internal GNSS receiver) in your web browser.

A user name and password will be asked to access the configuration. The factory default login credentials are:

    Username: admin
    Password: password

How to access the Septentrio web interface on Navsight ?

In order to access the Septentrio web interface, you will need to know the IP address of the receiver.

By default, it is set in DHCP mode and a running DHCP server has to run on the network to let the Septentrio receiver acquire a valid IP address.

In the Navsight Web interface, please go to the Information page and click on "Show details" in order to get the Septentrio IP address :

RTK and PPP corrections

How do I configure my INS to receive RTK corrections?

Most serial or Ethernet ports can be used to receive corrections, the example below uses the serial port D to receive RTK corrections in Configuration, Aiding Assignment, RTCM.

You will need to configure this port D for RS232 communication with a baud rate that matches the baud rate of equipment sending the RTK corrections.

Navsight Trimble

With the Navsight Trimble this baudrate is not directly configurable in the Navsight, the baud rate should be set to 115200 on the RTK equipment side.

What RTK corrections format is compatible with the INS?

The systems with Septentrio receivers are compatible with the following formats:

RTCM V2.2, V2.3, V3.0, V3.1

CMR 2.0, CMR+

The systems with Trimble receivers are compatible with the following formats:

RTCM V2.1 V2.2, V2.3, V3.0, V3.1


How to determine if the system is receiving RTK corrections?

You can check the position type status in the SBG_ECOM_LOG_GPS1_POS (14) output message which should indicate it is in RTK mode.

In the Web interface, Status window, there is a status that shows if RTK corrections are being received, it should show a green check mark if something is being received.


Can I use PPP corrections with the INS?

The Septentrio GNSS receiver in most of our products is compatible with Marinestar. For a complete list of compatible products and instructions on how to activate Marinestar, you can check Marinestar PPP activation.

It is also possible to use an external GNSS receiver compatible with PPP corrections instead of the embedded one if needed.

It is also possible to use PPP in post-processing with Qinertia.

Ublox PointPerfect corrections

Can I use PointPerfect with the INS?

The embedded GNSS receiver in the Ekinox Micro and Quanta Micro is compatible with Ublox PointPerfect.

What formats are compatible?

The RTCM and SPARTN formats can be used with the INS.

How can I send the PointPerfect corrections to the INS?

The embedded NTRIP client, or any external NTRIP client, can be used to receive PointPerfect corrections as if they were RTK corrections. Receiving PointPerfect corrections through L-Band is not possible.

External aidings

Which external aidings are available on a High Performance INS?

Our High Performance INS support multiple external aidings:

  • GNSS (can be internal or external)
  • DVL
  • Wheel based odometry
  • Airdata (airspeed and barometer)
  • Magnetometer

How can I configure an external aiding?

Our handbooks detail how to configure aidings such as DVL, odometry or external GNSS.

If you want to use an Airdata aiding or an external magnetometer please contact us for further details.

Need more help ?

Where to find the documentation for my High Performance INS?

All manuals can be found in this "High Performance" product page.

Additionally you can download and install the Windows SDK from this webpage.

Once installed, you'll be able to access the latest documentation for your High Performance INS on this path on your computer: C:\Program Files\SBG Systems\Inertial SDK\Documentation.

How to contact Support?

SBG Systems Support Team is here to help, but they need to get all elements of the situation to be 100% efficient.

Did you check the documentation?

Sometimes your question is already answered by the documentation that is part of the SDK. You just need to know where to find it: Have a look in the installation directory of your SDK by default in:

C:\Program Files\SBG Systems\Inertial SDK\Documentation

Define the context:

  • Vehicle (ship, car, plane, drone, etc…).
  • Unit (Ellipse, Ekinox, Apogee, Navsight, etc...) product code, serial number.
  • Installation (photos of the setup, where are placed the unit and antennas in the vehicle).
  • Configuration (export of the settings, firmware version).
  • Logs (Binary recording in sbgECom format -> Check the Datalogging for Support operating handbook) + error logs
  • Details on the issue (What is the expected and observed behavior).

This will help us give you an immediate and to the point answer.

You can then either drop us an email or call us at the following numbers:

Singapore: +65 31650079  /  France: + 33 1 80 88 43 70  /  US: +1 (657) 549-5807

Remote Quick Start

A 2-hour session to get started with your sensor.

The Remote Quick Start is an economic and quick way to get started with your SBG Systems inertial sensor. It consists in a 2-hour session with an SBG Systems support engineer, using a remote access software (e.g. Teamviewer).

Intervention days

An SBG Systems support engineer at your side for assistance, installation, and commissioning.

Benefit from SBG Systems’ experience to get help for system installation and commissioning, integration, or on-site support. This service can only be done on site, travel time is included.